First of all, I need to apologize for my absence as of late. I have been so busy finishing final projects, taking my final exams, planning a graduation party, and cleaning up my classroom so I can move that I have not had any time to update my blog at all. I hope the pictures I have taken this weekend will make up for that!
A question...Who wakes up at 6:00am to go on a 6 mile hike on their first day of summer vacation? Only crazy people that's who! Well then, you know it was me! :) Saturday my womens' bible study group decided to hike a trail in the Wichita Mountains, (a 6 mile trail) and go out to eat afterward. It was an absolute blast. I am definitely paying for it today with my sore body, but it is amazing the hidden beauty in this world. Here are a few of my favorite shots from the day.
This is my beautiful mother who did an amazing job!!
These are the wonderful ladies who braved my complaining! :)
This is my determined face...
My favorite wild flower we saw.
An Indian Paintbrush Oklahoma's state flower!
A beautiful field of yellow wild flowers, and my ugly mug :)
Mr. Butterfly landed just for me! I had been waiting on one to land for several miles. He was very patient and let me get very close to take his picture.
I love the movement of the water in this picture...I think my photography is coming along!
On May 16th Jason graduated from OCU with his Juris Doctorate Degree! That means he has a law degree! Finally woo hoo!!! I was so proud of him as he marched across the stage to get choked by a professor with his hood :)
We are so proud of him!
Hopefully I will be able to update this blog a lot more frequently now that school is out for the summer! I can not wait to cook my new recipes and take photos to post. Thanks for stopping by and leave me a comment!